Blind Archer VR
Blind Archer is a ludic virtual reality game without visuals, focusing on spatial audio. The player needs to locate approaching enemies by their sound cues and shoot them with bow and arrow before they get too close.
The project’s goal was to create an inclusive game for blind audiences and see if spatial hearing could be improved in a gamified way. As the game is entirely sound based, sighted individuals inherently have no advantage compared to blind players, and motion sickness is entirely eliminated. Furthermore, the intuitive physical based controls of shooting a bow and arrow enable everyone to intuitively play our game. Even players from an older demographic had fun with Blind Archer VR right away.
Intro Sequence:
“Hunted by the corrupted horde, you beat your way through the undergrowth. After hours of running, you finally enter a clearing, but before you can catch your breath, you hear again the growl of your pursuers in the distance. You decide that the time has come to strike back, armed with bow and arrow, you will face your enemies.”
My Contributions:
Game System, Enemy System, Vocal & Field Audio Recording, Project Management