A Selection of my Work


TL;DR: Versatile skill set, well-suited for bringing (VR) games to life. While my primary passion lies in game design and programming, I am also confident in my content production abilities.

My journey into design and programming began in high school when I joined a robotics club, participating in regional and national competitions of 2v2 Robo Soccer. We designed and built bots (first from Lego, later custom hardware) to play soccer on a miniature field.

In my late high school years, I then started a YouTube gaming channel, actively producing daily content for three years. This experience taught me public speaking and branding alongside the expected video and image editing expertise. My YouTube journey ended, as I shifted my focus to pursue digital game development during my university studies.

Working towards my game design major in Cologne, Germany, I contributed to various student projects (some can be seen above). Despite my enrollment under the design specialization, I found myself drawn to improving my programming skills, with the ultimate goal of solo game creation. In my opinion, understanding all aspects of game development is crucial for game designers to communicate ideas effectively and estimate their feasibility.

Prior to writing my BA thesis, I began learning Japanese, driven by my determination to go there after completing my studies. In spring of 2020, my thesis on Sonic User Interfaces was validated, and I swiftly moved to Japan on a working holiday visa. My interest in web design emerged during my time in Japan, leading to the creation of this personal website, which you are currently experiencing.

Upon returning from Japan, I devoted all my time and savings to the creation of my passion project, ANNEX. This 3D roguelike game features a charming AI character trapped in a digital world filled with psycho malware and long-forgotten mysteries. With VR precision controls, music-driven action, and a complex skilltree system, the game promises an unforgettable experience, which was well received during playtests.

Over the past two years of solo development, I significantly expanded my skillset, taking full responsibility for realizing my dream. Although the subsequent Kickstarter campaign didn’t reach its funding goal, it provided valuable insights, particularly in the realm of marketing, where I am continuously improving.

  • Game Programming
    C# (Unity) | 80%
  • Game Design
    Unity | 80%
  • Sound Design
    Audacity | 70%
  • Video Editing
    Davinci Resolve | 65%
  • 3D Art
    Blender | 60%
  • Visual Effects
    VFX+Shader Graph | 60%
  • Image Editing
    Photoshop | 55%
  • Web Design
    Word Press | 50%

German, English,
Japanese & Russian