Who Is This Guy?
Hey there, I’m Dom, a travelling German minimalist titan with a proclivity for games, nature and onsen. My goal is to live in a tiny house in nature and make fun games in order to help improve peoples’ lives. I’m also interested in permaculture, specifically in Masanobu Fukuoka’s approach Once I settle down, I’ll work towards self-sufficiency by starting a food forest!
Since early childhood I’ve been fascinated with Japan’s culture, people and mystery. After graduating from my game design studies in university, I immediately came to Japan for my now third time to check out the country long-term and see if I maybe want to live here for live. If you’re interested in some of the skills I have picked up over the years, check out my portfolio. Else, there is always my blog. Since there is not much room here, I’ll just drop a bunch of things I really like below:
Rotenburo, Freedom, Truth, Anime, Cooking, Japanese Game Shows, Gin, Meditation, Veggies, Ramen, Nihonshu, eSports, Ancient Cultures, Mahjong, Nujabes, Thunderstorms, Hideki Naganuma, Nintendo, Japan, Philosophy, Herbs, Akira The Don, Tea, Manga, Flying Squirrels, Rice Cookers, Game Development, Integrity, Sailing, Cats, Hookahs, Savant, Yakisoba, Mangos, my Nakama, Indian Curry, Pouring Rain, German Bread, Paramahansa Yogananda, Snow Boarding, Wood Stoves, Books, Chaga, Linux, …